Álvaro Fernandes Andrade venceu o Prémio Arquitectura do Douro em 2017 TERESA PACHECO MIRANDA

A revista P3 publicou no dia 22 de agosto uma reportagem sobre o Centro de Alto Rendimento (CAR) do Pocinho onde entrevista o Arquiteto Álvaro Andrade, vencedor em 2017 do Prémio Arquitectura do Douro. Na reportagem são abordados vários aspetos tais como o facto do CAR aproveitar o espaço sem desestabilizar a paisagem, o jogo de luz que segue a rotina do atleta, entre outras particularidades interessantes. Uma reportagem a não perder com textos de Nuno Rafael Gomes e foto e vídeo de Teresa Pacheco Miranda.

A reportagem pode ser vista no seguinte link: https://bit.ly/2PiLc2C

Founded in 1858, the Kingston Rowing Club is one of the oldest rowing clubs in the world and has a national and international success. Situated by the River Thames between Kingston Bridge and Teddington Lock, rowers enjoy one of the longest and quietest tidal tracts in the UK, with more than 7 km of navigable water. However, in the Pocinho Rowing Center, some international medalists from this renowned club, who trained for two weeks in Pocinho HSCP, have about 28km in the Douro River to complete the internship.

On February 8th and 9th, HPSC hosted the NeloRowing Conference with the presence of the duo Nuno Mendes and Pedro Fraga, two athletes with more than twenty years of experience in this sport (about fifteen in high performance) and who achieved excellent international results for Portugal.